Viet Quoc Pham

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Assistant Professor of Networks and Distributed Systems
School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin


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Research Interests

  • COmputing: cloud edge computing, aerial computing, edge of things, and edge AI.

  • Intelligence: wireless AI, deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, and federated learning.

  • Networking: 6G wireless, IoT, intelligent surfaces, metaverse, and blockchain.

Recent News

  • [06/2024] Our work on intelligent IoT security and privacy has been accepted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.

  • [05/2024] Our ENSURE-6G proposal on 6G security and privacy under the HORIZON MSCA Staff Exchange 2023 call has been accepted.

  • [12/2023] The two students whom I co-supervise, Mai Le and Thanh Thien Dao, successfully passed their PhD viva. Congratulations!

  • [11/2023] I have been selected as the winner of the IEEE ComSoc Best Young Researcher Award for EMEA 2023.

  • [08/2023] I have been appointed as the Demonstrator and Teaching Assistant Director.

  • [07/2023] I have been invited to join the editorial board of the IEEE Communications Letters.

  • [05/2023] I got the Enterprise Ireland Coordination Support Award.

  • [01/2023] I have joined SFI CONNECT as an Associate Investigator and SFI AdvanceCRT as a TCD supervisor.

  • [01/2023] New academic chapter! I am currently with the School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin.

  • [12/2021] I have received the golden globe award 2021 from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam.

  • [12/2021] I have received an award from the Minister of Education (Korea) for outstanding contributions and research excellence.

  • [10/2021] We won the FDCRGP Grant ($136,000) for our research on edge learning (PI: Dr. Tu Nguyen).

  • [10/2020] I have been invited as an editor of Journal of Network and Computer Applications.

  • [02/2019] Hot! I have started my five-year project funded by Korea NRF (sole-PI, 500M KRW, Feb. 2019 - Feb. 2024).

Selected Publications

  1. T.-T. Dao, D.-I. Noh, Q.-V. Pham, M. Hasegawa, H. Sekiya, and W.-J. Hwang, “VT-MCNet: High-Accuracy Automatic Modulation Classification Model based on Vision Transformer,” IEEE Communications Letters, 2024.

  2. M. Le, H. T. Dinh, D. N. Nguyen, Q.-V. Pham, and W.-J. Hwang, “Wirelessly Powered Federated Learning Networks: Joint Power Transfer, Data Sensing, Model Training, and Resource Allocation,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.

  3. T.-H. Vu, Q.-V. Pham, and S. Kim, “THz-based Rate-Splitting Multiple-Access (RSMA): Is It Always Better Than NOMA?,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024.

  4. Y. M. Saputra, D. N. Nguyen, H. T. Dinh, Q.-V. Pham, E. Dutkiewicz, and W.-J. Hwang, “Federated Learning Framework with Straggling Mitigation and Privacy-Awareness for AI-based Mobile Application Services,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

  5. M.-D. Nguyen, S.-M. Lee, Q.-V. Pham, H. T. Dinh, D. N. Nguyen, and W.-J. Hwang, “HCFL: A High Compression Approach for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in Very Large Scale IoT Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

  6. T.-H. Vu, Q.-V. Pham, D. B. da Costa, and S. Kim, “Rate-Splitting Multiple Access-Assisted THz-Based Short-Packet Communications,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2023.

  7. T.-H. Vu, T.-V. Nguyen, Q.-V. Pham, D. B. da Costa, and S. Kim, “Short-Packet Communications in UAV-NOMA Systems under Imperfect CSI and SIC,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2023.

  8. Q.-V. Pham, M. Le, T. Huynh-The, Z. Han, and W.-J. Hwang, “Energy-Efficient Federated Learning over UAV-enabled Wireless Powered Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022.

  9. T. Huynh-The, T.-V. Nguyen, Q.-V. Pham, D. B. da Costa, and D.-S. Kim, “MIMO-OFDM Modulation Classification Using Three-Dimensional Convolutional Network,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022.

  10. T. Huynh-The, V.-S. Doan, C.-H. Hua, Q.-V. Pham, T.-V. Nguyen, and D.-S. Kim, “Accurate LPI Radar Waveform Recognition with CWD-TFA for Deep Convolutional Network,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2021.

  11. T. Huynh-The, C.-H. Hua, Q.-V. Pham, and D.-S. Kim, “MCNet: An Efficient CNN Architecture for Robust Automatic Modulation Classification,” IEEE Communications Letters, 2020.

  12. Q.-V. Pham, Hoang T. Nguyen, Z. Han, and W.-J. Hwang, “Coalitional Games for Computation Offloading in NOMA-Enabled Multi-Access Edge Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020.

Academic Bio

I am an Assistant Professor in the Networks and Distributed Systems Discipline at the School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. I am also a Supervisor with the ADVANCE CRT centre and an Associate Investigator at the CONNECT centre, Ireland. Prior to my tenure at TCD, I held various positions at top universities in Korea from 2017 to 2023, including a postdoc researcher at Kyung Hee University and a research professor at Changwon National University and Pusan National University. I received the BSc degree and Ph.D. degree, both in Telecommunications Engineering, from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2013 and Inje University in 2017.

Broadly speaking, my research belongs to the areas of mobile edge networks (i.e., edge computing + wireless networks) and artificial intelligence (AI), the fields that are changing very dramatically and need a great effort from the research communities to realize a future 6G ecosystem in the 2030s. My research interest is based on multidisciplinary approaches of computer science, telecommunications, and engineering mathematics for the practical design of complex and communication networks. To be more specific, my research is motivated via three phases of modeling the network, analyzing the modeled network, and designing algorithms. The first two phases are based on the use of various mathematical tools such as convex optimization, game theory, and machine learning, whereas the third phase is to design robust, efficient, and scalable algorithms for efficient performance. Based on that vision, I have led the COIN Lab and focused on three main thrusts, including COmputing (e.g., cloud edge computing, aerial computing, edge of things, and edge AI), Intelligence (e.g., wireless AI, deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, and federated learning), and Networking (e.g., 6G wireless, IoT, intelligent surfaces, metaverse, and blockchain).

I was granted the Korea NRF funding for outstanding young researchers for the term 2019-2024. I was a recipient of the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award from Inje University in 2017, the Top Reviewer Award from the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in 2020, the Golden Globe Award in Science and Technology for Younger Researchers in Vietnam in 2021, the IEEE ATC Best Paper Award in 2022, and the IEEE CE Magazine Best Paper Award in 2024. I have been recognised as one of the most-cited researchers by Scopus for three consecutive years, from 2021 to 2023, and as one of the Best Computer Science Scientists in Ireland and worldwide by in 2024. I was honoured with the IEEE ComSoc Best Young Researcher Award for EMEA 2023 in recognition of my research activities for the benefit of the Society.

I am currently serving or have served as an (Associate) Editor of IEEE Communications Letters, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, and Scientific Reports, and a Lead/Guest Editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, and Computer Communications. I am a senior member of the IEEE, the IEEE ComSoc, and the IEEE VTS.

About Me

My full name is Viet Quoc Pham, which I prefer to be called Viet. In Vietnamese, my first, middle, and last names are Viet, Quoc, and Pham, respectively. I use Quoc-Viet Pham as my author name in academic articles. Also, my TCD username is phamq, which is created based on my first name and middle name. I very often have problems answering the “What is your correct name?” question :)